My Case Studies

How to create a successful brand? Comes up the question usually.
Some of our clients say: we would love our brand to be so recognizable like the Apple!

Well, it is not enough to prepare the good bases of the brand, like a quality logo or a good looking webpage, after creating those, we also need to educate our clients, how can they grow their brands successfully, how to create the content based on their sales plans, how can they achieve efficient brand awareness and build a successful business on a long term.


Since my childhood I have been one of the biggest fans of corn in the universe. 

When I was 8 months old, my parents moved to East-Hungary from West-Hungary. I have grown up in Hajdúnánás, in a little East-Hungarian city. Spent most of my time in nature between the plants with animals. One of my biggest favorite plants was the corn. I could eat tonnes of the fresh boiled corn in August, when it had its season…

Kornizzy mother and child

I would never thought in my nicest dreams, that one day I will make a product popular, which is made of corn. On my first workday at the Kornizzy company last year, in April I was totally desired, when I saw the treasure in the fridge: the SNACKZATION, called Kornizzy! A frozen healthy snack in a cup, made of sweet corn and some other tasty elements!

Kornizzy Girl and dog

I always had been the person burning in total desire about foods I love. So this time I had been eating Kornizzy for 3 days without break. If I wanted some protein, I ate the chicken one, if some sweets, the raisin and caramel one, if something really light, I ate the green herb and butter or the cheese one. It is really easy, just 3-5 minutes in the microwave oven and ready.

As a sales and marketing person of the product, I felt it in my veins. The biggest happiness was when the chain directors of Hungary’s biggest retail chains showed a surprisingly happy and satisfied face after tasting this product and getting it listed despite the pandemic situation.

I am never selling anything, honestly. I am always assuring solutions for problems for people, this is how I become authentic in their eyes. 

After 8 months hard work, market research and product development in order to fulfill the needs and requirement of the Hungarian market, authentic content production based on the sales strategy worked out together with the owners, our product is already available in the most popular online webshop of Hungary, in the

The unique content creation in this case was one of my biggest projects: to work out with my team unique photo and graphic designing content in order to introduce this brand new category in Hungary and later on in the European market. I am working hard and close with the owners and I need to admit, I am really honored and happy to be a part of this amazing project and spare so much time on it, I love to. This is called, you are in flow, loving what you do without being under pressure or enormous expectations!

Kornizzy mother and child

Next to the precious photoshooting work of our content creator, Marko Novkov, I would like to say special thanks for my ex-colleagues, Ervin Móricz and Szabolcs Jánosi for their amazing graphic designing jobs!


By scrolling my instagram feed I have met a magical coffee: tummy friendly from Bristot coffee.

I got truly excited about it, never seen coffee like that before and contacted the business owners, that we should make together some unique marketing activities and make this particular coffee popular in Hungary. It turned out, they have several coffees, grained coffees, coffee with beans, and to add more, their capsule coffees are compostable and the package is aluminium free!

Based on the Covid situation the client wanted to make their products more popular on social forums via a nice, consistent photo feed and create a community around themselves with different games and community gaining activities, because the HORECA sector, they had been serving, was facing crisis issues.
We were not wasting our time, organised a summer shooting in 2020 and also a Christmas one. The summer one was introducing the moments of drinking coffee safe at home and also in the office. The Christmas one was a common cooperation with one of the biggest Hungarian chocolate brands.

As Vivien’s father told, the most important is between entrepreneurs / companies and the quality of cooperation. I totally agree with him and I am honestly really grateful for their cooperation. We are always feeling good flow and vibes by working together and it is nice to experience this since the beginning, which has started almost a year ago.

Our communication strategy is always built on the actual situation. In these times we can not plan in advance for a half year, only from week to week, due to the fast changing regulations. In this pandemic crisis entrepreneurs need to face with huge challenges and those ones survive only, who realise and make effort to be always updated with the actual communications and shape their communication based on that by talking the language of their target audience.

One of them is: don’t be depressed and closed, go out for a take away Bristot coffee and enjoy the moments on the street with your friends! 

The request of the mayor was the following: to create for their new restaurant such a unique online appearance, which is based on the modern trends but at the same time introduces the aspect of the East-Hungarian countryside and its traditions. Next to the content shooting and web-development and logo creation we have been also asked to prepare a business strategy for the bistro.
First we had created the business strategy by focusing on the request, that this restaurant should be an “everyday visited favorite place, offering some local specialties in a healthy style” not only for the citizens but for the tourists also, who are visiting the city and the thermal bath during the summer time.
After that we have based on the business strategy our designer has prepared the logo. By creating a mood-board for the client based on the requests she prepared the logo, which introduces the countryside but also meets the new trends. After the approval we have created the design for the menu and window stickers in the same style.
When the photo content has been delivered, we set up the structure and created the text of the webpage and our web-developer prepared the whole site for the client.

The following step was to create the photo content schedule and based on that organizing a one day long business shooting focusing on introducing the place, the local specialties and the employees. This gave the base for online marketing communication.


When the photo content has been delivered, we set up the structure and created the text of the webpage and our web-developer prepared the whole site for the client.

Béla had been working as an employee for several years for giant real estate companies. He decided to make his own business and set up his own entrepreneurship. His request was to be supported by creating relevant photo content introducing him as a successful entrepreneur, his uniqueness, and also his team and their services next to this to create a logo.
First we have gained together all the important points related to their business strategy and listed the services. We have helped Béla to highlight those unique elements/services, which he assures for his clients at the moment on the real estate market, what differentiate him from the other service providers. Based on this discussion we have created a detailed photo shooting schedule and created the photo content for him. After this we created his logo based on the brainstorming and the moodboard. After approval we assured the client a brand guideline also, which supports them to use the logo in the right way on different visual/online surfaces.
The Biztos Guard Ltd. is assuring one of the most reliable security services in Budapest, Hungary. Our task was to help them via introducing the online marketing tools to them and set up their online marketing strategy, based on that creating a photo content shooting. Parallel by delivering the pictures we created the webpage structure and text. The photo content speaks for itself: our goal was to introduce the team and the services based on their uniqueness.
Stiller Tamás Chef is a genius master chef of the Hungarian Cuisine. His business partners ask him to test their products and create some receipt books and suggestions for them. We met via LinkedIn with him and now we are cooperating together to support his partners also with online marketing strategy and content creation. Pepo Papa, the pumpkin oil is one of our favorite common references. We have prepared a photo content for them and next to sharing Tamás’s gourmet receipts we are leading a health blog and introducing the several positive effects of the pumpkin oil to the target audience in order to convince them to buy the product and gain a high level of user engagement via building community with different activities.
Based on my instagram blog I have been asked to write as a guest author on the webpage of about the following topic: “How to create balance between using digital tools and being in reality. The article had more than 3000 readers and looking forward to spare some more time to create the next article for the biggest digital forum in our country. In the article we used the photo prepared by Marko 🙂 in order to spread the “vibes” of the content creators.


The situation was a bit reversed, like in the Bristot Coffee case: the owner of herBar Budapest discovered my Instagram account, and based on my posts and references with the Content Creators, he asked me to lead his communication and online marketing strategy.

I started this cooperation in 2021 and at that time I didn’t have any food intolerance.
By tasting their gluten-free foods I could feel passionate about the mission – to help the restaurant after COVID-19 to get known in Budapest.

To achieve this goal I was working actively together with the restaurant leader.
Supported them by doing a deep market research and suggested them to introduce some unique food selections also on their menu.

Created quality content for them, led social media communication and advertising strategy, Google advertisement campaigns, arranged the regular content refreshments of the webpage and coordinated the Trip Advisor content refreshment and advertising progress too.

In the meantime also my food intolerances were diagnosed, so dug myself deep into the different intolerances and digestion sicknesses and searched for food types you can eat with those like gluten intolerance, histamine intolerance, lactose intolerance, and milk intolerance. I managed to understand the huge difference between food intolerance and allergy. I have also understood, that thyroid underwork endometriosis or IBS or leaky gut syndrome can also cause these intolerances. This is how it got clear to me, what kind of people we need to reach out to with our communication to gain more guests to the restaurant.

Due to these facts, I started to build a huge network to create a loyal community around the restaurant and its profile: I invited doctors, dietetics, and other professionals to the restaurant to organize webshops and educate and support together people suffering from these problems: how to eat and live healthily, despite of the intolerances. Dr László Mária, who managed to find the cause of my sickness after 3 years of detection, also found the restaurant’s food offer and quality valuable.

I have also promoted the restaurant’s profile at one of the biggest medical universities: Semmelweis University events – where doctors, dentists, and dietetics are educated in Hungary. The restaurant became a member of the Family Friendly program of Semmelweis, which means: all the students receive a 10% discount if they enter the restaurant and show their student ID card.

I have organized the “Dance for your health” campaign and show at the 50th jubilee of the Semmelweis Medical Cup, where the herBar represented itself with 7 allergen-free muffins and gluten-free hard seltzer drinks. 
Furthermore, I donated vouchers to the Semmelweis Final Ball for the graduating students by representing the restaurant.


The other active networking progress was building some good cooperation with big hotels (Párisi Udvar Budapest 5*, Grand Hotel Corinthia 5*), and they sent guests with intolerance to the restaurant. The last but one of the most important networking areas is the active community-building tasks with vegan people and societies, and vegan/vegetarian influencers.

herBar became a real passion for me because I know exactly, how hard it is to find a good place, where you can eat fresh and healthy food in case you have several intolerances and don’t want to be poisoned. 

Many thanks to Mr Marko Novkov for the great captures, as always! 


Déva utca 24/B
Szigetszentmiklós, 2310
Pest Megye, Hungary

